Sunday, January 4, 2009

Green Cosmetics!

Folks are going green everywhere nowadays -- how about you and your makeup, too! The argument's the same -- do something that's not only good for the planet, but is good for you, too!

How? Well, vegetable-based cosmetics, mineral makeups, and other natural beauty and cosmetic products are good for you, avoid harming the planet, and (in the case of mineral makeup) involve no animal testing!

While the green craze is new, makeup isn't. Folks have been embellishing their appearance since ... well, darn near forever! Most ancients used mineral makeups -- for instance, ancient Egyptians used finally powdered ochre as well as powdered malachite to accent their eyes. They also outlined their eyes with a sooty substance known as kohl (a substance still in use today!)

Folks also find their resistance to chemical products is being pushed to the limits nowadays. Natural cosmetic products mean less stress on your body.
Be aware that simply being "natural" or "mineral" based may not be enough -- some cosmetics add chemical processing that go from harmless beginnings to yield undesirable finished products.

Since the processing phase must be carefully implemented, chemical free cosmetics often cost more than commercially produced cosmetics. You have to base your decision not only on cost -- but also on the health of you and the planet. Many folks feel this isn't really a "cost" -- it's an "investment"!

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